Monday, November 15, 2010

Stop making judgements

As I so casually ponder about work (on my day off), I think about each and every person that I am in contact with on a daily basis...

Either way you look at it, these individuals are people... I am as well.

There are people in passing that only greet me with a "Hello" or "Hey, how's it goin'".

There are the ones that have tunnel vision and only keep their head up to be sure they are getting from A to B.

Then there are the ones who stop and ask..."How is your son doing?" or, "Do you have any plans for the weekend?"...looking forward to hear my thoughts and seem to have the time to listen to anything I would have to say, and also, have a story of their own to speak of in return.

We always seem to search for the common ground with everyone at work. At the end of the day the answer that most of us come up with is that we all work in the same place.

Try for a moment, to think of these individuals as people. We all have our lives outside of work. And as much as we are constantly told to keep our outside lives "at the door" we always have our influences that impact us. As soon as we step into the workplace, we rely on the ones we work with to help us maintain the inner work mode, and keep us healthy enough to battle what we need to outside of work. Keeping healthy and happy does not always happen.

See, I don't like to separate myself. I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a lover... I am me! I should be able to portray the person I am in it's entirety, whether I am at work, at home or elsewhere. If there is something that bothers me at work, I just might be having a bad day all together. This will effect me in a way that I will not be able to manage two separate lives. We are all like this.

If only there is a way for us to visualize each other as real people and not just robots. Maybe if we stop and think for just a second that the next person beside you might be someone SPECIAL outside of work. Maybe he or she just lost a loved one, maybe they somehow fit in a world of minority and  constantly gets made fun of because of it. Maybe that someone beside you is living with and battling cancer. Do you think they would tell you? No, because they feel that if they expose their "real life" to you, the entire workplace will use it to their advantage and abuse you even further. This, or they will get treated with what I like to call, "sympathy bullshit".

So before you make your next move at work that could potentially make someone feel uncomfortable, dig deep through the walls of bullshit before making any statements that could scar that person, and instead, get to know the "real" person that has a soul. 

-Thank you for reading my thoughts.


At Tuesday, November 16, 2010 12:10:00 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I've never really been told to leave my outside life "at the door", and don't really do that either. I bring my personal life into work all the time, and really like that I can do that. Yey photography!

At Tuesday, November 16, 2010 7:57:00 AM , Blogger ~BB~ said...

OMG, so true. I walk in to work and all people see is a "white girl"... but once they started to know me, EVERYTHING changed; even the amount of respect I would receive...


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