Mother can you hear me?
Mother can you hear me
With wings you fly away
Wings of an angel
An angel that could have stayed
Mother can you hear me
I'm calling, but no reply
With my broken heart I wait for you
I'm still not ready to say goodbye
Mother can you hear me
For this battle I'm not yet prepared
In my head I am so confused
All alone in this world, I am scared
Mother can you hear me
A choice I feel I made wrong
Without your help and guidance
These days drag out so long
Mother can you hear me
As my world comes crashing down
Can you see me shivering in silence
On my face can you see this frown
Mother can you hear me
Please don't say you forgot
I can't be strong for you anymore
I can't stand here like a rock
Mother can you hear me
Please tell me that you're there
Please tell me that you're listening
Please tell me that you care
Mother can you hear me
You are still nowhere in sight
I'm looking but I can't find you
Please don't turn out the light
Mother can you hear me
I hope that one day you'll see
The little girl in dreams you've raised
To be the woman you wanted me to be.
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