Does he love me, or love me not...?
I only thought about him once today... Yep! He came across my thoughts and I haven't stopped thinking about him since. I'm stuck in a place of placing myself on a plank... Either I step back and save myself to see where this life takes me or take the plunge with the unknown of where I end up.
Going through a break-up has got to be one of the hardest things to encounter I believe. I mean, one minute your world as you know it has structure. It has daily activities you can count on with someone so very special by your side. Your heart is complete... Content, if you will. Our hearts want guarantees... Of a secure promise. We mistakingly think that if our love really understood us, then they would agree with us on everything. Having a relationship is about finding common ground. It's about listening and understanding the other person. It's not about "making"the other person understand you.
Only once in your life I believe you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you would never tell another and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear and learn more. You share hopes for the future, you speak of dreams that may or may not come true for your future together. Goals that were never achieved and support in the ones that will be. We share many disappointments that have come to us allowing to gain some closer by having that special person by your side. When something wonderful happens you are impatient to share with that person to share in your excitement. They aren't embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurt or laugh with you when you make a complete fool of yourself.
Never do they make you feel like you're not good enough, but rather build you up and show you the things that make you feel more beautiful and special. There is no pressure, jealousy or competition but only a calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. They bring the very best out of you.
Love is probably one of the stongest words I can think of in any language that continues to live today. Love is such a feeling that can make or destroy you. It can bring out the very best in you or it can have the exact opposite effect.
I have to say that I'm happy to know the amount of pleasure as well as pain I felt in this recent relationship.
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